
For the Redirectory project unit testing is encouraged! The library of choice to help us with implementing the unit tests is called PyTest and you can see their docs at: pytest docs.

Set up

Before we start testing Redirectory let’s setup our testing environment. There is already a nice requirements_test.txt file we can use for this. You can create an environment with the following moment:

mkvirtualenv redirectory_test -r requirements_test.txt

Running the tests

We can run the tests with the following command:


and if you would like to see the stdout while the tests are running:

PYTHONPATH=. pytest -s


Because we make use of pytest the tests folder is split into two as shown bellow:

├── cases
│   ├── database
│   └── hyperscan
├── fixtures
│   ├── configuration.py
│   ├── database_ambiguous.py
│   ├── database_empty.py
│   ├── database_populated.py
│   └── hyperscan.py

Fixtures are functions that will run before every test. Let’s say that a certain test needs an already loaded empty database in order to run. We can create a fixture database_empty and add it as a requirement to this particular unit test.

This is how the database_empty fixture would look like:

def database_empty(configuration):
    # Import DB Manager first before the models
    from redirectory.libs_int.database import DatabaseManager

    # Import the models now so that the DB Manager know about them
    import redirectory.models

    # Delete any previous creations of the Database Manager and tables

    # Create all tables based on the just imported modules


Fixtures can be added as requirements for other fixtures. In this case before we can init the database we need to make sure the configuration is available.

and the unit test will look like this:

def test_add_ambiguous_request(self, database_empty):
    Test Description ...
    # Get session
    from redirectory.libs_int.database import DatabaseManager
    db_session = DatabaseManager().get_session()

    # Here is your actual test
    assert True

    # Return session

Must do

Always return the session to the database before your the end of your test