Source code for redirectory.libs_int.hyperscan.hs_manager

import hyperscan
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple

from kubi_ecs_logger import Logger, Severity

from .search_context import SearchContext
from .hs_database import HsDatabase
from redirectory.libs_int.database import get_model_by_id
from redirectory.models import RedirectRule

    'i': hyperscan.HS_FLAG_CASELESS,
    's': hyperscan.HS_FLAG_DOTALL,
    'm': hyperscan.HS_FLAG_MULTILINE,
    'H': hyperscan.HS_FLAG_SINGLEMATCH,
    'V': hyperscan.HS_FLAG_ALLOWEMPTY,
    'W': hyperscan.HS_FLAG_UCP,
    '8': hyperscan.HS_FLAG_UTF8,
    'P': hyperscan.HS_FLAG_PREFILTER,
    'L': hyperscan.HS_FLAG_SOM_LEFTMOST

[docs]class HsManager: __instance: 'HsManager' = None database: HsDatabase = None def __new__(cls): """ This function converts the HsManager class into an abstract class also know as the singleton pattern. If there is already an existing instance it will be returned. If there is no instance already it is going to create one and store it in a variable for later use Returns: the one and only instance of the HsManger class """ if cls.__instance is None: cls.__instance = super(HsManager, cls).__new__(cls) cls.__instance.database = HsDatabase() return cls.__instance
[docs] def search(self, domain: str, path: str, is_test: bool = False) -> Optional[Union[list, dict]]: """ Searches the two Hyperscan databases for the best match. First it searches the domains to find the right one. Then it combines the id of the domain with the path into a rule. The rule is searched again with the Rule Hyperscan database. Args: domain: the domain to search for path: the path to the domain to search for is_test: if set to true the function returns the two search context objects for the domain and rule Returns: None: if no match is found int: the id of the redirect rule dict: a dictionary with both the domain and rule search context objects for testing """ assert self.database.is_loaded, "Hyperscan Database must be loaded before using search" domain_rule_map = {} rule_searches = [] # Search domain domain_search_ctx = self.search_domain(domain, SearchContext(original=domain)) # Return if none found if domain_search_ctx.is_empty() and not is_test: return None # Fill rule map if is test if is_test: for domain_id in domain_search_ctx.matched_ids: domain_rule_map[domain_id] = [] # Search rule for every matched domain rule_search_ctx_list = [] for domain_id in domain_search_ctx.matched_ids: rule = f"{domain_id}{path}" if is_test: rule_searches.append(rule) rule_search_ctx = self.search_rule(rule, SearchContext(original=rule)) if not rule_search_ctx.is_empty(): if is_test: domain_rule_map[domain_id] = rule_search_ctx.matched_ids rule_search_ctx_list.append(rule_search_ctx) # Return if none found if not rule_search_ctx_list and not is_test: return None if is_test: return { "domain_search": domain_search_ctx.original, "rule_searches": rule_searches, "domain_rule_map": domain_rule_map } else: return self._get_ids_from_ctx(rule_search_ctx_list)
[docs] def search_domain(self, domain: str, domain_search_ctx: SearchContext = None) -> Optional[SearchContext]: """ Searches a domain in the hyperscan domain database. Creates a SearchContext object and runs a scan for the domain. Also handles a cancellation of the search which is a hyperscan error with error code -3. If the search doesn't find any matches a None is returned. If there are matches then a SearchContext object will be returned. Args: domain: the domain to search for domain_search_ctx: SearchContext to be passed to Hyperscan Returns: None or a SearchContext object """ if domain_search_ctx is None: domain_search_ctx = SearchContext(original=domain) try: self.database.domain_db.scan(domain, self._match_event_handler, context=domain_search_ctx) except hyperscan.error as e: if self.get_error_code(e) != -3: raise e Logger() \ .event(category="hyperscan", action="hyperscan domain search successful", dataset=str(domain_search_ctx.matched_ids)) \ .out(severity=Severity.DEBUG) return domain_search_ctx
[docs] def search_rule(self, rule: str, rule_search_ctx: SearchContext = None) -> Optional[SearchContext]: """ Searches a rule in the hyperscan rule database. Really similar to the search_domain() method. If the search doesn't find any matches a None is returned. If there are matches then a SearchContext object will be returned. Args: rule: the rule to search for. {domain_id}/{path} rule_search_ctx: SearchContext to be passed to Hyperscan Returns: None or SearchContext object """ if rule_search_ctx is None: rule_search_ctx = SearchContext(original=rule) try: self.database.rules_db.scan(rule, self._match_event_handler, context=rule_search_ctx) except hyperscan.error as e: if self.get_error_code(e) != -3: raise e Logger() \ .event(category="hyperscan", action="hyperscan rule search successful", dataset=str(rule_search_ctx.matched_ids)) \ .out(severity=Severity.DEBUG) return rule_search_ctx
[docs] @staticmethod def get_error_code(error: hyperscan.error) -> int: """ Hyperscan errors are differentiated by their message instead of an Exception object. This method extracts the error code of a Hyperscan error from the message of that error. Args: error: a Hyperscan error object Returns: integer representing the Hyperscan error """ assert isinstance(error, hyperscan.error) arg = str(error).split(" ")[-1] return int(arg)
[docs] @staticmethod def pick_result(db_session, redirect_rule_ids: list) -> Tuple[Optional[RedirectRule], Optional[bool]]: """ Checks which of the redirect rules has the largest weight. Gets every redirect rule from the DB and compares their weights. If all the redirect rules have the same weight then the request is considered ambiguous Args: db_session: the database session to be used with all DB actions redirect_rule_ids: a list of all the redirect rule ids Returns: the picked redirect rule and if the choice is ambiguous or not """ assert isinstance(redirect_rule_ids, list) if not redirect_rule_ids: return None, None weights = [] heaviest_model: Optional[RedirectRule] = None for redirect_rule_id in redirect_rule_ids: redirect_rule: RedirectRule = get_model_by_id(db_session, RedirectRule, redirect_rule_id) weights.append(redirect_rule.weight) if heaviest_model is None: heaviest_model = redirect_rule elif redirect_rule.weight > heaviest_model.weight: heaviest_model = redirect_rule weights.sort(reverse=True) is_ambiguous = weights.count(weights[0]) > 1 return heaviest_model, is_ambiguous
@staticmethod def _match_event_handler(*args): """ Function passed to Hyperscan library to handle events when a match is found. It makes use of the context which is passed as last argument. For more information about this function take a look at: _match_event_handler() from Hyperscan C library Args: *args: 0: the id of the expression that matched 1: from which index of the string the match starts 2: until which index of the string the match ends 3: the flags of the expression 4: the context which is passed when running the scan Returns: True: if you want to stop scanning None: if you want to continue scanning """ destination_id = args[0] from_index = args[1] to_index = args[2] ctx: SearchContext = args[4] ctx.handle_match(destination_id, from_index, to_index) @staticmethod def _get_ids_from_ctx(search_context_list: List[SearchContext]) -> list: """ Takes a list of SearchContext objects and combines all the matched ids into a set to avoid duplicates and returns it converted in a list. Args: search_context_list: the list of SearchContext objects Returns: a list of unique matched ids """ assert isinstance(search_context_list, list) final_ids = set() for search_context in search_context_list: for matched_id in search_context.matched_ids: final_ids.add(matched_id) return list(final_ids)