Source code for redirectory.runnables.runnable_service

from abc import ABC
from flask import Flask, request, Response

from kubi_ecs_logger import Logger, Severity

from .runnable import Runnable
from redirectory.libs_int.config import Configuration
from redirectory.libs_int.metrics import REQUESTS_TOTAL, start_metrics_server
from redirectory.libs_int.service import GunicornServer, Api
from redirectory.libs_int.database import DatabaseManager

[docs]class RunnableService(Runnable, ABC): api: Api = None application: Flask = None host: str = None port: int = None def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.api = Api( title="Redirectory", version="0.0.1", description="A service that is able to redirect urls that are usually going to end up as 404." "You can configure the service how to redirect urls", doc="/redirectory-doc" ) self.application = Flask(__name__) @self.application.after_request def _after_request(response: Response): """ Logs every request that has been processed by the application. Logs Prometheus metrics for every request except for the status updates. (health and readiness checks) Args: response: the response to be returned Returns: the unmodified response """ config = Configuration().values Logger() \ .event(category="requests", action="request received") \ .url(path=request.path, \ .source(ip=request.remote_addr) \ .http_response(status_code=response.status_code) \ .out(severity=Severity.INFO) if "status" not in request.path: REQUESTS_TOTAL.labels(config.node_type, str(response.status_code)).inc() return response = self.config.service.ip self.port = self.config.service.port def _run_development(self): DatabaseManager().create_db_tables() Logger() \ .event(category="runnable", action="run development") \ .server(, port=self.port) \ .out(severity=Severity.INFO) # CORS only in development @self.application.after_request def _after_request(response): response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type,Authorization') response.headers.add('Access-Control-Max-Age', 21600) return response # Start metric server start_metrics_server() # Run application**{ "host":, "port": self.port, "debug": True, "use_reloader": False }) def _run_production(self, is_worker: bool = False): DatabaseManager().create_db_tables() service_options = { "bind": f"{}:{self.port}", "loglevel": "critical", "worker_class": "gthread", "threads": 2 if is_worker else 10 } Logger() \ .event(category="runnable", action="run production",) \ .server(, port=self.port) \ .out(severity=Severity.INFO) # Run application GunicornServer(self.application, service_options).run() def _run_test(self): self._run_development()