Worker Endpoints

Worker Get HS DB Version Endpoint

Endpoint: Worker Get Hyperscan DB Version

Method: GET

  • 200: Returns the current Hyperscan DB version that the worker is using
  • 400: The worker has not Hyperscan DB loaded at the moment

The Get Hyperscan DB Version endpoint provides with the ability to retrieve the current Hyperscan DB Version that the HsManager() has loaded and is using to run queries. If the worker still has not Hyperscan DB loaded then a 400 is returned.

Worker Reload HS DB Endpoint

Endpoint: Worker Reload Hyperscan Database

Method: GET

  • 200: A thread has started with the task of reloading the Hyperscan database

The Reload Hyperscan Database endpoint provides with the ability to start a thread with the task of reloading the Hyperscan Database. The main is the Hyperscan Database but also the SQL database is reloaded as well. When the thread starts it find the management pod with the help of the Kubernetes API and downloads a zip file from it containing all the needed file to reload itself. The zip file is then extracted and first the SQL manager is reloaded and after that the Hyperscan database